

  中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯油气网9月23日消息称,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司董事长Alexey Miller和壳牌首席执行官 Ben van Beurden 通过视频举行了工作会议 。


  除了萨哈林2号项目,Miller 和van Beurden还讨论了两家公司在减少整个 LNG 价值链的碳足迹方面所做的努力。天然气由于其生态友好性,可以在实现欧洲气候目标方面发挥重要作用。

  Miller 和van Beurden特别关注欧洲天然气市场的形势。俄罗斯是欧洲市场天然气的主要供应商之一。



  朱佳妮 摘译自 俄罗斯油气网


  Gazprom and Shell continuing joint work on Sakhalin 2 project

  A working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of Gazprom, and Ben van Beurden, CEO of Shell, took place via a video link.

  Gazprom and Shell are jointly engaged in the project, which includes Russia's 1st LNG plant. The Sakhalin 2 project operator is Sakhalin Energy. It is owned by Gazprom and Shell. Last year, a record-high volume of LNG – over 11.6 million tons – was produced and shipped to customers under the project.

  Besides Sakhalin 2 activities, Miller and van Beurden also discussed the efforts of the 2 companies in reducing their carbon footprint across the LNG value chain. Natural gas, due to its eco-friendliness, can play a significant role in meeting Europe's climate goals.

  Miller and van Beurden paid particular attention to the situation in the European gas market. Russia is one of the main suppliers of natural gas to the European market.

  This week, the IEA called on Russia to send more gas to Europe as the energy supply crunch bleeds across the continent. The Paris-based agency noted that Russia could do more to increase gas availability to Europe and ensure storage is filled to adequate levels in preparation for the coming winter heating season.

  The European gas market could well face further stress tests from unplanned outages and sharp cold spells, especially if they occur late in the winter. Gas storage levels in Europe are well below their 5-year average.​